At our Athena provision we care for the most vulnerable young people who, at a difficult time in their lives, need the support of the “Home and Hospital Education Service”. The young people are referred by their school with support from the medical professionals. Our main purpose, while they are with us, is to ensure, where possible, that the young person is able to continue with their education and return to their home school as soon as they are able to. As a result the student is dual registered with us and their school and their placement is initially for a six week period to assess their ongoing needs.

The students are taught in small groups to enable them to receive the individual support they need to overcome any identified medical, emotional or social issues in a calm supportive environment. Each young person is at the heart of the process and through a coordinated approach, involving a range of professionals, we deliver a personalised approach to their learning.

In December 2018 we launched our brand new “state of the art” sensory room which allows us to deliver a more holistic therapeutic approach for our students.



278a Whitegate Drive


Tel: 01253 476663

At Pegasus, we pride ourselves on the wrap around pastoral support we offer to all our students. We constantly challenge and review our approach seeking to unlock student potential and enable all students to have the confidence to make positive choices with the aim of a successful return to mainstream school. Pegasus offers provision for a range of students aged between 6 and 16, across KS2, KS3 and KS4, as a result of Managed Moves, Permanent Exclusions or out of area placements.

The Teaching and Learning approach at Pegasus provides students with a more holistic and tailored curriculum within which they are encouraged to make positive behavioural choices, which in turn can lead to self-regulation, control and behaviour modification. We understand that not all behavioural issues are the result of poor choices, but more than likely there is a need, which has previously been unidentified or unmet. We offer a number of screening services for needs such as Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties (SLCN), where all students (as appropriate) are assessed following induction, from which further therapeutic and tailored support from Speech and Language specialists can then be implemented.

Although all three Key Stages are educated within the same building, they are distinct in that they access separate learning environments, daily routines and differing hours. Within the KS2 provision, there is a thematic approach which is taught alongside key subjects, and all students are taught within a single class, dependent upon numbers. KS3 has students in classes for their respective ages, which mirrors the provision offered in mainstream settings. We feel this maintains consistency so students can transition back into mainstream settings, when they are ready, as seamlessly as possible. The key subjects offered likewise follow in line with the National Curriculum taught within mainstream schools.

Approximately 45 students access the KS4 provision at Pegasus and have access to a traditional curriculum with the expectation that they will follow GCSE examinations and/or level one and two accredited qualifications.

For the first time this year we are offering a skills programme for a cohort of Year 10 students which offers them an enriched curriculum to study more practical subjects within a workshop environment 

During their time in KS4 the students have access to work experience placements within the local community which is facilitated through our work experience coordinator and careers advisor. In November of each year we host an annual careers convention for all KS4 students. post 16 providers, employers and careers advisers attend and talk to the students about options available to them.

Pegasus maintains links with various agencies; some of which are pilot studies. These include for example, Headstart, Equine Studies, KS3 Literacy Strategy, Right to Succeed and The Speech Bubble. These programmes are reviewed and evaluated regularly and help to augment and enrich our diverse curriculum.

At Pegasus we have the commitment to support all our students on their journey towards maximising their potential in a safe and supportive environment conducive to learning, where every child really does matter.



Bathurst Avenue

Tel: 01253 476660

Atlas is the hub of the vocational element of Educational Diversity, and supports Key Stage 4 students whose career aspirations are better supported by a curriculum which is more practically orientated which addresses their specific learning needs. All students also continue to follow an English or Mathematics course which will lead to either a Functional Skills qualification or where appropriate GCSE. 

Students have the opportunity to access a wide range of work placement and vocational training opportunities from a number of local providers. All students are prepared for further post-sixteen training or apprenticeships in their chosen fields of work.

A very small number of students are supported by our home tutors, if for a specific reason they are unable to attend the centre, and students who are hospitalised for a period of time have access to a teacher and the classroom facility at the hospital.


Altas (based at Athena)

Whitegate Drive
FY3 9jw

Tel: 01253 476661