There are a number of ways that a young person can be referred to Educational Diversity. Students attend the Pupil Referral Unit provision at our site on Bathurst Avenue as a result of one of the following:
- a permanent exclusion from mainstream provision
- an agreed managed move
- a temporary dual registered arrangement with a local school or academy
In addition, we admit young people who are new to area who are referred via the In Year Access Panel from the local authority. We also offer a provision for young people who are looked after by the local authority and others who have an Education Health and Care Plan if it is deemed that we can meet their needs appropriately. We work proactively with our students, parents/ carers and with our mainstream colleagues to assist a return to mainstream provision at the earliest opportunity.
The Induction Process
At Educational Diversity we realise that often young people may have been out of education for some time, therefore we endeavour to induct them at the earliest opportunity. Initially there is a meeting with a member of the senior leadership team and the pupil and their parents or carers to discuss the school’s expectations and to agree on a support plan. The young person then has an induction session, during which time they will complete some baseline assessments such as WRATS and GL Assessments and will be shown around the provision to meet other staff and students.
The information that we gather helps to form the students Individual Learning Plan (ILP). The ILP is reviewed throughout the time that they are with us to ensure that we are meeting their academic and pastoral needs. We are able to share the ILP with the student, parents/ carers and mainstream school to share the most effective teaching practice and pastoral support, as well as highlighting the progress a students has made.