Special educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Educational Diversity is passionate about ensuring that a young person’s special educational needs are identified as swiftly and effectively as possible. We acknowledge that the missing or misidentification of needs can have a detrimental effect on a young person’s attainment in school and their emotional well-being. Ed Diversity has a cohort of young people with a wide spectrum of additional needs, and subsequently has a wealth of experience in meeting the needs of those young people.

The SENDCo and her team work across all centres and are able to advise on strategies and signpost for additional external support should the need arise. For further information, please access our SEND information Report and Accessibility Plan.

For further information on SEND please contact Amy Heard our SENDCO on 01253 476660

SEND Documents

Updated: 14/02/2025 911 KB
Updated: 14/02/2025 425 KB

Local Offer

SEND Offer