Our Ref: Yr11
Your Ref:
Direct Line: 01253 476735
Date: 18.07.23
Dear Students
GCSE / Functional Skills results day is Thursday 24th August at the Athena Centre on Whitegate Drive. The centre will be open from 10.00am to 1.00pm
The entrance is through the gates at the back of the building.
If you are unable to attend but a friend or relative is able to collect your results for you, we will require a signed, written permission slip from you, giving the name of the person who is collecting your results. See the form attached.
We can also send your results by email. You will need to send me an email confirming the address you want your results sent to.
If you can’t attend or get your results collected, the results slip will be posted first class on Thursday 25th August.
If you need to discuss this further please ring me on 476735 or email barbara.lancaster@eddiversity.blackpool.sch.uk.
Have a good summer
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Lancaster
Examinations Officer