Phone: 01253 476663


Date: 10th May 2024

Dear Parent / Carer, 

As the final weeks of the Year 11 cohort draws closer, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your continued support with your child’s education.  Here at Educational Diversity, we pride ourselves on helping all our young people to become confident and successful people, we could not achieve this without working in collaboration with you. 

Revision Timetable

We want to give our students every support to be successful in their exams and have devised a revision timetable to help them. The Revision Timetable will start after ½ term on Monday 3rd June. The timetable will require them to only come into school to attend the revision sessions. Students are required to wear uniform. The rest of the time students can revise at home. Please see attached your child’s Revision Timetable. 

Study Leave

The majority of our students will have their last exam on 10th June. After this exam, students will not be expected to attend school. This period is officially known as Study Leave. During Study Leave students will be required to attend once during the week commencing 17th June for a short period of time for a welfare check for safeguarding purposes.  Students are not required to wear uniform when they come in for welfare check meetings.

Year 11 leavers celebration events will take place as follows:

  • Thursday 27th June Athena 

  • Wednesday 26th June Pegasus

Lead Teachers will be in touch with further information.  

Results Day

Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students and their parents/ carers can come to school to pick up their results and be advised on their next steps. More information about Results Day will be shared nearer to the time. 

On behalf of Educational Diversity, I would like to wish you and your family all the very best during the exam period. We look forward to seeing you on results day to celebrate your child’s achievements. Please do not hesitate to contact us. if you require clarification or advice about these arrangements.

Yours sincerely, 


Victoria O’Farrell 

Updated: 10/05/2024 16 KB